This week in the Tradex Foods 3-Minute Market Insight, President & CEO, Robert Reierson discusses... - Copper River sockeye landings have slowed from their strong beginning - Canadian Atlantic salmon supply weakened slightly and temporarily as some harvesters have reduced their harvest - Asian buyers are resisting prices pre-season with many looking towards the MSC pending Sakhalin pink salmon fishery from Russia Sign up for Product Deals & Market Updates - Follow us @TradexFoods for Twitter Seafood Specials & Seafood News - Watch our School of Fish clips where we uncover Deceptive Seafood Practices - Website: Длительность: 3:18
Скриншоты к видео 3-Minute Market Insight EP86 - Buyers Resist Pre-Season Prices, Atlantic Salmon supply
The song is about a Korean flight 007...was shot out of the sky by Russian fighters POW One Moncton's first punk rock bands. Recorded "out of the basement'', Dana Brideau-Bass Guitar,back up vocals GI Joe Gumby Cormier-drums Eric BT Mcleod-Guitar, lead vocals The music will live on.................. Joe ''Gumby''Cormier produced this video. Copy rights--. Murph3113 Korean Air Lines Flight 007 (KAL 007, KE 007),was a Korean Air Lines civilian airliner that was shot down by Soviet interceptors on 1 September 1983, over the Sea of Japan, near Moneron Island just west of Sakhalin Island. All 269 passengers and crew aboard were killed, including Lawrence McDonald, a sitting member of the United States Congress. The aircraft was en route from New York City to Seoul via Anchorage when it strayed into prohibited Soviet airspace around the time of a US reconnaissance mission. The Soviet Union initially denied knowledge of the incident but later admitted shooting the aircraft down, claiming that it was on a spy mission. The Politburo said it was a deliberate provocation by the United States, to test the Soviet Union's military preparedness, or even to provoke a war. The United States accused the Soviet Union of obstructing search and rescue operations. The Soviet military suppressed evidence sought by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) investigation, notably the flight data recorders, which were eventually released eight years later after the collapse of the <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:10
Скриншоты к видео POW Prisioners of War-Flight 007. Moncton NB.
Ensemble XXI continues its engagement with Russia's indigenous people of the North on a musical expedition led by Violinist and Ensemble XXI Concertmaster, Pia Siirala to the North of the island of Sakhalin in Russia's Far East. Длительность: 9:54
Скриншоты к видео Journey to the indigenous Nivkh people of Sakhalin