This week in the Tradex Foods 3-Minute Market Insight, President & CEO, Robert Reierson discusses... - Copper River sockeye landings have slowed from their strong beginning - Canadian Atlantic salmon supply weakened slightly and temporarily as some harvesters have reduced their harvest - Asian buyers are resisting prices pre-season with many looking towards the MSC pending Sakhalin pink salmon fishery from Russia Sign up for Product Deals & Market Updates - Follow us @TradexFoods for Twitter Seafood Specials & Seafood News - Watch our School of Fish clips where we uncover Deceptive Seafood Practices - Website: Длительность: 3:18
Скриншоты к видео 3-Minute Market Insight EP86 - Buyers Resist Pre-Season Prices, Atlantic Salmon supply
На восточном побережье Сахалина сотрудниками островной береговой охраны задержаны два судна под флагами иностранных государств. На борту «ONIX» (флаг Панама) и «SEVEN» (флаг Королевства Камбоджа) в общей сложности обнаружено около 220 тонн морских биоресурсов. Однако капитанами изначально озвучивались значительно меньшие объёмы живого краба, находившегося на их судах. Так, после выпуска морского деликатеса в естественную среду обитания с теплохода «ONIX» вместо указанных 70-ти выявлено 90 тонн ценного членистоногого. А на «SEVENе» разница между заявленным (60 тонн) и фактическим (свыше 89 тонн) количеством краба оказалась почти в 30 тонн. Точный вес и качество мороженого трубача (порядка 40 тонн) на «ONIXе» ещё предстоит выяснить. Длительность: 1:41
In Сity College there are hundreds, thousands of students of different nationalities and different colors of skin from 17 years to 90 years old. They sit at the desks, as though they were children, in order to learn English.During their time of immigration,English becomes their second language. The common goal brings them together.Age and nationality was smoothed over.80-year-olds and 17-year-olds are sitting at the same desk. They understand each other perfectly from one look, help each other, learn together and meet together weekdays.Good professors teach here. The American, Daniel O'Connell, is one of them. He is a teacher in the Downtown campus.Having an interesting and easy personality with a sense of humor, he can hypnotize an audience with his talent. For the Japanese and the Chinese he is the best teacher because for 7 years he lived in Asian countries and knows Japanese and Chinese languages well. He is familiar with the life of Russians in the Far East and Sakhalin Island too. Daniel is going to bring students a great variety of information.The students are very curious about his travels and get a lot of impressions.They know that Daniel hasn't gone on an organized trip, he loves travel adventures and snorkeling.He has swum in the ocean with a turtle and has eaten really unusual foods - snails,dog,frogs,turtle,snake,insects.Only crocodile and abalone he has not eaten.Daniel has ridden a horse, a camel,an elephant and has wandered in the jungle.On the map he <b>...</b> Длительность: 7:42
This vid is of no interest for the fandom, but people who know me might be interested. This is a project i was working on with my mates in the uni (basically it's only an opening and ending credits with bloopers cause i just can't manage to upload the whole thing). I was asked by my friends to show what russian university is like, so voil Длительность: 4:39