Резиденты -- основа музыкального наполнения любого клуба и главный его козырь. Это те ди-джеи, что могут играть в любое время ночи, разогреть или принять эстафету у любого гостя, или подменить внезапно уехавшего гастролировать коллегу. Бойцы музыкального фронта, которые всегда держат удар, те, кому достаточно просто сказать «действуй» в середине ночи для того, чтобы порвать танцпол -- именно такие люди являются резидентами ночного клуба «JOY» geometria.ru Фоторепортаж: 1 день - geometria.ru 2 день - geometria.ru В видео использованы следующие материалы: Bob Sinclar feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Fuck With You (Fuzzy Hair Remix) Длительность: 4:12
My Favorite Husband is the name of an American radio program and network television series. The original radio show, co-starring Lucille Ball, was the initial basis for what evolved into the groundbreaking TV sitcom I Love Lucy. The series was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) written by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the Paramount Pictures feature film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942), co-starring Ray Milland and Betty Field. Liz Cooper, played by Lucille Ball; happily married housewife George Cooper, played by Richard Denning; Liz's husband, works for Mr. Atterbury Mr. Rudolph Atterbury, played by Gale Gordon; George's boss, friend of the Cooper family, refers to male acquaintances as "boy", as in "George-Boy" Mrs. Iris Atterbury, played by Bea Benaderet; wife of Rudolph and friend of the Cooper family, refers to female acquaintances as "girl", as in "Liz-Girl". Katy, played by Ruth Perrott; the Cooper's maid, presumably enjoys making Jell-O. Mrs. Leticia Cooper, played first by Benaderet and in subsequent episodes by Eleanor Audley; George's aristocratic mother, who typically looks down on Liz. Gale Gordon and Bea Benaderet were both given first consideration for the roles that would become Fred and Ethel Mertz on "I Love Lucy", but both had contract conflicts that forced them to turn down the roles. en.wikipedia.org Lucille D Длительность: 75:45
Скриншоты к видео My Favorite Husband: Taking Dance Lessons / Be a Pal / Gossip
This is a sonification of the Near East Coast Of Honshu, Japan 6.0WP earthquake (4/13/2012 10:10:02 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org. Длительность: 0:02
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 4/13/2012 10:10:02 GMT
Начался раздел продукции по проекту "Сахалин-2" - с марта текущего года РФ будет ежемесячно получать свою долю прибыльной продукции. Заявил главный исполнительный директор "Sakhalin Energy" Андрей Галаев. Длительность: 1:28
No subtitles are available. This film was prohibited to show at theaters due to diplomatic pressure. This story is a tribute to telegram office women in Karafuto, Sakhalin, who died due to attack by Soviet Union after the end of world war 2. End of the ww2 of Japan was on August 15, 1945. While Soviet attack was made on August 20 th 1945. Russia still occupies Japanese Northern Islands illegally, even though Sakhalin and all of Chishima, the Kuril Islands, belong to Japan. I heard that some Russian positivist professors have started to teach the truth to students though. Длительность: 9:30
Sarah Outen sets out from the Russian island of Sakhalin to kayak to Japan. The 24 nautical mile crossing is made even harder as she is dropped off by ship 13 miles away from Sakhalin, outside the Russian territory. To loop the globe she must kayak an extra 13 miles and fight a strong current. Sarah is joined by kayaker and filmmaker Justine Curgenven,www.cackletv.com. See www.sarahouten.com for more information on Sarahs 2+year looping of the globe. Длительность: 3:14
bboy Eroll D (Street Unit crew) vs bboy Funky 10 (Post Scriptum crew) at Sakhalin Absolute B-Boy Championship 2009 Russia Battle # 031 Длительность: 4:26
Скриншоты к видео 031 bboy Eroll D (Street Unit crew) vs bboy Funky 10 (Post Scriptum crew) at Sakhalin ABC 2009