Earthquakes rattle Japan, Fiji Islands, Chile, South Sandwich Islands, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Russia. On Sunday morning, December 11, southwestern Japan was shaken by a 5.8-magnitude temblor that occurred at Uke Island in Kagoshima Prefecture. Later that day, a magnitude-5.4 quake rattled the Fiji Islands as it hit 463 kilometers southwest of Ndoi Island. In Latin America, a magnitude-4.9 tremor that struck 72 kilometers northeast of the city of Chill Длительность: 2:00
Скриншоты к видео Quakes rattle Japan, Fiji Islands, Chile, South Sandwich Islands, Indonesia, Russia
This vid is of no interest for the fandom, but people who know me might be interested. This is a project i was working on with my mates in the uni (basically it's only an opening and ending credits with bloopers cause i just can't manage to upload the whole thing). I was asked by my friends to show what russian university is like, so voil Длительность: 4:39