з дзяцінства я марыў, каб вакол усё замяло не ніжэй за другі паверх і людзі хадзілі па выкапаных ў сьнезе траншэях. на поўначы Сахаліна гэта штогадовая рэальнасьць. Длительность: 0:16
At the Rio+20 Conference last month, leaders from around the world discussed ways to push "Corporate Social Responsibility" through to businesses and governments. The CEO of Sahklanin Energy spoke at the conference about the importance of sustainable business practices, using his company's treatment of indigenous peoples as a model. He sat down with Prime Time's Lindsay France to share his views on "CSR" Russia. Длительность: 4:37
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin Energy CEO calls for social responsibility of big biz
Paul Vinitsky singing live 'Believe In Us' from the album 'Invincible'. 22 october 2011 - 'Invincible Tour' live in Y. Sakhalinsk, Russia. Check www.paulvinitsky.com for order your CD or digital copy, listen previews and read info! ALBUM VERSION: Buy on iTunes: itunes.apple.com Buy on Beatport.com: beatport.com EXTENDED VERSION: Buy on Beatport: www.beatport.com Buy on iTunes: itunes.apple.com More stores on: www.vendacerecords.com Like Paul on Facebook: www.facebook.com/iampaulvinitsky Длительность: 4:02
Скриншоты к видео Paul Vinitsky - Singing Live 'Believe In Us' @ 'Invincible Tour' on Sakhalin, RU (22-10-2011)
VISITA: www.arquba.com Los obreros de este astillero en Mississippi tienen una tarea descomunal, convertir este metal pesado en un nuevo tipo de plataforma petrol Длительность: 9:15