Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana reports radiation is killing Japan's people, and 40 million may be evacuated to the Kuril Islands of Russia this is apocalyptic event http Длительность: 10:00
Скриншоты к видео Japan May Send 40 Million People To Russian Islands Radiation!
Год выпуска: 2006 Страна: США, Valley View Productions Жанр: Документальный Режиссер: Лейф Алкерсен 1-го сентября 1983-го года Боинг 747 "Корейских Авиалиний" вторгся в закрытое воздушное пространство СССР, прошёл над рядом советских военных объектов и был сбит истребителем-перехватчиком Су-15, после чего разбился к юго-западу от острова Сахалин. Из двухсот шестидесяти девяти пассажиров (246 пассажира + 23 члена экипажа) не выжил никто. Длительность: 24:09
Скриншоты к видео Последний Заход - Сбитый корейский Боинг
No subtitles are available. This film was prohibited to show at theaters due to diplomatic pressure. This story is a tribute to telegram office women in Karafuto, Sakhalin, who died due to attack by Soviet Union after the end of world war 2. End of the ww2 of Japan was on August 15, 1945. While Soviet attack was made on August 20 th 1945. Russia still occupies Japanese Northern Islands illegally, even though Sakhalin and all of Chishima, the Kuril Islands, belong to Japan. I heard that some Russian positivist professors have started to teach the truth to students though. Длительность: 10:36
No subtitles are available. This film was prohibited to show at theaters due to diplomatic pressure. This story is a tribute to telegram office women in Karafuto, Sakhalin, who died due to attack by Soviet Union after the end of world war 2. End of the ww2 of Japan was on August 15, 1945. While Soviet attack was made on August 20 th 1945. Russia still occupies Japanese Northern Islands illegally, even though Sakhalin and all of Chishima, the Kuril Islands, belong to Japan. I heard that some Russian positivist professors have started to teach the truth to students though. Длительность: 9:52