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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Стоимость икры на сахалине. Показать все сообщения
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Стоимость икры на сахалине. Показать все сообщения
воскресенье, 25 ноября 2012 г.

Конец Света 21.12.12 (потепление, наводнения, засуха).wmv

Конец Света 21.12.12 (потепление, наводнения, засуха).wmvРеальный мир природы с Владимиром Дуничевым (кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, профессор кафедры географии Сахалинского Государственного Университета). Владимир Дуничев о конце Света 21.12.12 (глобальное потепление, наводнения, засуха).
Длительность: 3:51

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Конец Света 21.12.12 (потепление, наводнения, засуха).wmv
Видео Конец Света 21.12.12 (потепление, наводнения, засуха).wmv Video Конец Света 21.12.12 (потепление, наводнения, засуха).wmv Конец Света 21.12.12 (потепление, наводнения, засуха).wmv
пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

Samulnori Changgu Play&Commentary.

Samulnori Changgu Play&Commentary.Dat was in Russia, island Sakhalin. Yeye.
Длительность: 4:26

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Samulnori Changgu Play&Commentary.
Видео Samulnori Changgu Play&Commentary. Video Samulnori Changgu Play&Commentary. Samulnori Changgu Play&Commentary.
пятница, 4 мая 2012 г.

Soviet Union Invasion of Manchuria. World War 2, Reason Japan Surrendered. The truth to Americans.

Soviet Union Invasion of Manchuria. World War 2, Reason Japan Surrendered. The truth to Americans.en.wikipedia.org The Soviet invasion of Manchuria or, as the Soviets named it, the Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation (Манчжурская стратегическая наступательная операция, lit. Manchzhurskaya Strategicheskaya Nastupatelnaya Operaciya), began on August 9, 1945, with the Soviet invasion of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo and was the largest campaign of the 1945 Soviet--Japanese War. The Soviets conquered Manchukuo, Mengjiang (Inner Mongolia), northern Korea, southern Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands. The rapid defeat of Japan's Kwantung Army was a very significant factor in the Japanese surrender and the end of World War II, as Japan realised the Russians were willing and able to take the cost of invasion of its Home Islands, after their rapid conquest of Manchuria and Sakhalin. ______________________________________ Most of the World knows that the Red Army breaking the neutrality pack, and suprising and slaughtering the Kwangtung Army in a few days was the main reason for Japans surrender. Japan feared the Red Army like no other. Refused to break the neutrality pack when the Axis asked them for help against the Soviets. Japan had been trying to work out something since June. An had no Idea the Red Army was planning an attack. In a couple of days the Red Army did more damage to Japans military, than China, Great Britain, the United States had done in years. Completely destroying the Kwangtung Army. The Red Army or the third Reich would of had Japan for breakfast <b>...</b>
Длительность: 10:01

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Soviet Union Invasion of Manchuria. World War 2, Reason Japan Surrendered. The truth to Americans.
Видео Soviet Union Invasion of Manchuria. World War 2, Reason Japan Surrendered. The truth to Americans. Video Soviet Union Invasion of Manchuria. World War 2, Reason Japan Surrendered. The truth to Americans. Soviet Union Invasion of Manchuria. World War 2, Reason Japan Surrendered. The truth to Americans.
воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.

YSS Soundquake: 4/14/2012 19:26:41 GMT

YSS Soundquake: 4/14/2012 19:26:41 GMTThis is a sonification of the Sunda Strait, Indonesia 5.9MB earthquake (4/14/2012 19:26:41 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org.
Длительность: 0:06

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YSS Soundquake: 4/14/2012 19:26:41 GMT
Видео YSS Soundquake: 4/14/2012 19:26:41 GMT Video YSS Soundquake: 4/14/2012 19:26:41 GMT YSS Soundquake: 4/14/2012 19:26:41 GMT
вторник, 8 марта 2011 г.

Let's Play G Generation F | 011-2 | More New Pilots

Let's Play G Generation F | 011-2 | More New PilotsNew Mobile Suits! New everything! Hooray!
Длительность: 24:33

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Let's Play G Generation F | 011-2 | More New Pilots
Видео Let's Play G Generation F | 011-2 | More New Pilots Video Let's Play G Generation F | 011-2 | More New Pilots Let's Play G Generation F | 011-2 | More New Pilots
суббота, 13 марта 2010 г.

Южно-Сахалинск - Вьюжно-Сахалинск

Южно-Сахалинск - Вьюжно-Сахалинскпесня на стихи Александра Алшутова; муз. В. Шаинского; исполняет Валентин Никулин
Длительность: 2:20

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Южно-Сахалинск - Вьюжно-Сахалинск
Видео Южно-Сахалинск - Вьюжно-Сахалинск Video Южно-Сахалинск - Вьюжно-Сахалинск Южно-Сахалинск - Вьюжно-Сахалинск


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