Реальный мир природы с Владимиром Дуничевым (кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, профессор кафедры географии Сахалинского Государственного Университета). Владимир Дуничев о конце Света 21.12.12 (глобальное потепление, наводнения, засуха). Длительность: 3:51
Скриншоты к видео Конец Света 21.12.12 (потепление, наводнения, засуха).wmv
This is a sonification of the Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Is. 5.5MB earthquake (4/11/2012 09:00:13 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org. Длительность: 0:03
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 4/11/2012 09:00:13 GMT
В этой передаче мы вместе с Константином Каллиным отправимся на рыбалку в Охотское море . Вы увидите методы применяемые местными мастерами рыбной ловли. Константин Каллин опытный рыбак, поэтому он имеет очень крупный улов и ни одна из обитательниц Охотского моря не пройдет мимо его крючка. Вы увидите порядка 10 рыб, пойманных им всего лишь за один выход в море. Наслаждайтесь прекрасным видеоматериалом и перенимайте опыт, который так важен в нашем с вами деле. Полностью передачу Вы можете посмотреть на интернет-телеканале 555hf.tv в онлайн-вещании бесплатно. Смотрите программу передач на текущие сутки. Длительность: 1:41
Скриншоты к видео Морская рыбалка с Константином Каллиным.
Dmitry Lisitsyn fought to protect Sakhalin Island's critical endangered ecosystems while also demanding safety measures from one of the world's largest petroleum development projects. Learn more at www.goldmanprize.org This video is narrated by actor and environmentalist Robert Redford. The Goldman Environmental Prize is the world's largest award for grassroots environmentalists. Learn more at www.goldmanprize.org Длительность: 3:41
Скриншоты к видео 2011 Goldman Prize for Asia: Dmitry Lisitsyn, Russia
Artist-song: Future World Music___________ 1.Eternal Love__2.Magic Touch__3.Triumph______ The Sukhoi Su-15 (NATO reporting name 'Flagon') was a twin-engine interceptor aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s to replace the Sukhoi Su-11. As one of the V-PVO's principal interceptors, the Su-15 was involved in a number of incidents with foreign aircraft. One such attack was in 1978, when Korean Air Flight 902 was attacked over Murmansk by a PVO Su-15. Although the civilian aircraft survived the missile hit, two passengers were killed, and the damaged plane subsequently made a forced landing on a frozen lake. In 1981 a Baku, Azerbaijan-based Su-15 deliberately rammed an Iranian Canadair CL-44 after it strayed into Soviet airspace.[1] More notorious was the Korean Air Flight 007 incident in 1983, when a Korean Boeing 747 was shot down by a Su-15TM based on Sakhalin, killing all 246 passengers and 23 crew [1]. Although it was produced in large numbers (1290 of all types), the Su-15, like other highly sensitive Soviet aircraft, was never exported to the Warsaw Pact or any other country. Some Su-15 were deployed in Egypt in 1972 but were used with Soviet crews. In Russia, the Su-15 was abruptly retired in 1993 to comply with the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe. Most were hastily scrapped in favour of more advanced interceptors, including the Su-27 'Flanker' and MiG-31 'Foxhound.' In Ukraine, the last Su-15s (at Kramatorsk and Belbek) were withdrawn from <b>...</b> Длительность: 7:09