Новый раздел "Недвижимость" на сахалинском портале Citysakh.ru. Простое решение жилищных вопросов! Графика/Монтаж: Константин Пак, Сергей Штангель Саунд дизайн: Евгений Онищук (Dave_Costa) Длительность: 0:19
Скриншоты к видео Раздел "Недвижимость" на Citysakh.ru
Студия звукозаписи (dee.rec) представляет: vk.com Vitya Dee - Приглашение на Хип-Хоп Фестиваль AIR-RAP-PORT vk.com Слова, сведение музыки, монтаж видео - Виктор Демидов (Vitya Dee) vk.com Камера - Дмитрий Данилов (Diffold) vk.com Отдельная благодарность за предоставленный транспорт Евгению Семчуку (Sam) vk.com Приятного просмотра :) Длительность: 1:19
Скриншоты к видео Vitya Dee - Приглашение на Хип-Хоп Фестиваль AIR-RAP-PORT.mp4
Меморандум о сотрудничестве между Олимпийским комитетом России, Исполнительным комитетом «Сочи-2014» и компанией «Ростелеком», подписанный на форуме «Связь-Экспоком», сделает доступными для россиян программы олимпийского образования. При помощи цифровых технологий по всей стране будут проводиться видеоконференции и дистанционные семинары волонтеров грядущей зимней Олимпиады. Массовый набор волонтеров на Игры в Сочи стартовал 7 февраля, за два года до Олимпиады. Волонтером может стать любой желающий, которому на 6 января 2014 года будет от 18 до 80 лет. Заявку кандидата можно оставить на портале vol.sochi2014.com Ожидается, что до конца года их поступит не менее 200 000. Непосредственно на выставке, на стенде Ростелекома было зарегистрировано более тысячи кандидатов в волонтеры. «Ростелеком» - Генеральный партнер XXII Олимпийских зимних игр 2014 года в Сочи в категории «Телекоммуникации», и сегодня принимает активное участие в подготовке к Олимпиаде, руководствуясь принципом «Олимпиада 2014 -- каждому!» Важным событием выставки стало подписание соглашения между «Ростелекомом», «Вымпелкомом», «Мегафоном» и «МТС» о строительстве подводной волоконно-оптической линии связи Сахалин — Магадан — Камчатка. Магистраль длиной 2 тыс. километров свяжет город Оха с Магаданом и Петропавловском-Камчатским. Планируется завершить работы в течение двух лет. По словам президента ОАО «Ростелеком» Александра Провоторова, объединение усилий позволит компаниям-участникам значительно снизить <b>...</b> Длительность: 6:45
Скриншоты к видео «Ростелеком» подписал судьбоносные соглашения
FibaClad is pre cured Fibaroll. In this video we demonstrate how water tight FibaClad is by filling this 1meter length with a approx 80 kgs of water. this sample was then left filled for 8 weeks, and did not leek. FibaRoll and FibaClad are used as non-metallic insulation cladding and promote the prevention of corrosion under insulation (CUI). Длительность: 2:22
Cold Fear is a third-person survival horror video game designed by Darkworks and published by Ubisoft. It was released on April 29, 2005, in Europe. In Cold Fear the player takes on the role of Tom Hansen, a former soldier now in the employ of the United States Coast Guard who has been sent in to investigate a mysterious Russian whaler Eastern Spirit in the middle of the Bering strait. The beginning cut-scenes show a SEAL team under the orders of a CIA agent, identifying the ship and trying to discover its cargo. Unfortunately, the SEAL squad is slaughtered mercilessly by an unknown threat. CIA agent Bennett then orders any government vessel in the vicinity of the Russian boat to investigate, and it is Hansen's ship which responds. As Hansen, the player finds out that the boat is occupied by hostile Russian soldiers and by strange creatures, known as "exocels", that use humans and other life forms as hosts, to feed on and to use as protection from the environment. These parasites are a threat to Hansen from inside and outside their host bodies. His investigation leads to the mystery of the ship and its lethal cargo, as well as the unethical experiments which were being carried out aboard the ship. Длительность: 9:56
Скриншоты к видео Cold Fear - The Star of Sakhalin Mission 1 + Mission 2 Part 1
Artist-song: Future World Music___________ 1.Eternal Love__2.Magic Touch__3.Triumph______ The Sukhoi Su-15 (NATO reporting name 'Flagon') was a twin-engine interceptor aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s to replace the Sukhoi Su-11. As one of the V-PVO's principal interceptors, the Su-15 was involved in a number of incidents with foreign aircraft. One such attack was in 1978, when Korean Air Flight 902 was attacked over Murmansk by a PVO Su-15. Although the civilian aircraft survived the missile hit, two passengers were killed, and the damaged plane subsequently made a forced landing on a frozen lake. In 1981 a Baku, Azerbaijan-based Su-15 deliberately rammed an Iranian Canadair CL-44 after it strayed into Soviet airspace.[1] More notorious was the Korean Air Flight 007 incident in 1983, when a Korean Boeing 747 was shot down by a Su-15TM based on Sakhalin, killing all 246 passengers and 23 crew [1]. Although it was produced in large numbers (1290 of all types), the Su-15, like other highly sensitive Soviet aircraft, was never exported to the Warsaw Pact or any other country. Some Su-15 were deployed in Egypt in 1972 but were used with Soviet crews. In Russia, the Su-15 was abruptly retired in 1993 to comply with the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe. Most were hastily scrapped in favour of more advanced interceptors, including the Su-27 'Flanker' and MiG-31 'Foxhound.' In Ukraine, the last Su-15s (at Kramatorsk and Belbek) were withdrawn from <b>...</b> Длительность: 7:09
The Sea of Okhotsk has long been the southernmost spot in the Northern Hemisphere where polar sea ice is found. After spreading southward out of the Arctic each winter and along the eastern edge of Sakhalin Island, the ice typically arrives in Hokkaido in mid to late January. The best time to see it is the latter half of February but it stays until late March or early April. However, over the past twenty years the drift ice has been slowly diminishing. Some say this is the result of global warming. The people of Abashiri have come together to take action. To read more about this ourworld.unu.edu/en/2009/05/26/tourism-meltdown/ Длительность: 6:41
Скриншоты к видео Tourism meltdown, Climate change causes drift ice lost