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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Сахалин из космоса. Показать все сообщения
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Сахалин из космоса. Показать все сообщения
четверг, 5 апреля 2012 г.

Зюзя Израиль 2) pro Sahalin

Зюзя Израиль 2) pro SahalinЗюзя Израиль 2)
Длительность: 1:12

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Зюзя Израиль 2) pro Sahalin
Видео Зюзя Израиль 2) pro Sahalin Video Зюзя Израиль 2) pro Sahalin Зюзя Израиль 2) pro Sahalin
понедельник, 26 декабря 2011 г.

YSS Soundquake: 12/26/2011 04:48:03 GMT

YSS Soundquake: 12/26/2011 04:48:03 GMTThis is a sonification of the Tonga Islands 5.9M earthquake (12/26/2011 04:48:03 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org.
Длительность: 0:05

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YSS Soundquake: 12/26/2011 04:48:03 GMT
Видео YSS Soundquake: 12/26/2011 04:48:03 GMT Video YSS Soundquake: 12/26/2011 04:48:03 GMT YSS Soundquake: 12/26/2011 04:48:03 GMT
среда, 16 ноября 2011 г.


Citysakh.ruОфициальный сахалинский информационно-развлекательный портал Citysakh.ru
Длительность: 0:33

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Видео Citysakh.ru Video Citysakh.ru Citysakh.ru
вторник, 6 июля 2010 г.

Arkhady Afonin the Bishop of Scandals

Arkhady Afonin the Bishop of ScandalsWe report from one of the main Moscow churches -- Piemen the Great church near the Novoslobodskaya underground station. In 2009 all of a sudden a new prior to this church was appointed. It was the bishop Arkhady Afonin who is known church-wide for his bad reputation. Lots of scandals are connected with this immoral person during his episcopacy of the South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, the town of Tomsk and also being vicar at the Nizhny Novgorod eparchy. Those are misappropriation of budgetary sums, foul language at public, homosexual connections including seducing young parishioners and lay brothers. The governor of Tomsk region Victor Kress has addressed personally Patriarch Aleksy and achieved dismissing Arkhady Afonin away from Tomsk. Nothing has been heard about him for several years, they said he had retired because of his health problems as far back as 2001. And now this seducer, debauchee, drunkard and homosexual appears again in the very heart of Moscow with his behavior being still the same... During public divine services he is boorish and rude towards parishioners and the priests and chorus, he humiliates people. With the connivance of bishop Arkhady the priests reduce services -- instead of an hour and a half they last 30-40 minutes! All those facts make the faithful truly indignant. It is absolutely clear that such a person is not only unworthy of being a prior at one of the main capital churches but also he cannot be an orthodox priest as well. Just his <b>...</b>
Длительность: 2:00

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Arkhady Afonin the Bishop of Scandals
Видео Arkhady Afonin the Bishop of Scandals Video Arkhady Afonin the Bishop of Scandals Arkhady Afonin the Bishop of Scandals
вторник, 26 января 2010 г.

Sakhalin Okha

Sakhalin OkhaС 26 на 27 января 2010 года над севером Сахалина прошел снежный ураган сила ветра которого в эпицентре достигала до 38 м/сек. По предварительным данным стихия нанесла значительный ущерб топливно-энергетическому комплексу и жилищно-коммунальному хозяйству муниципального образования городской округ "Охинский". В настоящий момент ведутся восстановительные работы на линиях электропередач и ликвидация последствий стихийного бедствия в селах района и городе Оха.
Длительность: 5:04

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Sakhalin Okha
Видео Sakhalin Okha Video Sakhalin Okha Sakhalin Okha
пятница, 19 января 2007 г.

Sakhalin Days: Archie + Crossroads / Karandash - by Voka

Sakhalin Days: Archie + Crossroads / Karandash - by VokaVideo clips composed by Voka. Two separate artists on one video. Archie - Arkadiy Ostrirov Crossroads - Sakhalin RnR Band Johny Parker - "Karandash"
Длительность: 9:23

Скриншоты к видео
Sakhalin Days: Archie + Crossroads / Karandash - by Voka
Видео Sakhalin Days: Archie + Crossroads / Karandash - by Voka Video Sakhalin Days: Archie + Crossroads / Karandash - by Voka Sakhalin Days: Archie + Crossroads / Karandash - by Voka


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