This is a sonification of the Hokkaido, Japan Region 6.2MB earthquake (5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at Длительность: 0:02
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMT
Cold Fear is a third-person survival horror video game designed by Darkworks and published by Ubisoft. It was released on April 29, 2005, in Europe. In Cold Fear the player takes on the role of Tom Hansen, a former soldier now in the employ of the United States Coast Guard who has been sent in to investigate a mysterious Russian whaler Eastern Spirit in the middle of the Bering strait. The beginning cut-scenes show a SEAL team under the orders of a CIA agent, identifying the ship and trying to discover its cargo. Unfortunately, the SEAL squad is slaughtered mercilessly by an unknown threat. CIA agent Bennett then orders any government vessel in the vicinity of the Russian boat to investigate, and it is Hansen's ship which responds. As Hansen, the player finds out that the boat is occupied by hostile Russian soldiers and by strange creatures, known as "exocels", that use humans and other life forms as hosts, to feed on and to use as protection from the environment. These parasites are a threat to Hansen from inside and outside their host bodies. His investigation leads to the mystery of the ship and its lethal cargo, as well as the unethical experiments which were being carried out aboard the ship. Длительность: 9:31
Скриншоты к видео Cold Fear - The Star of Sakhalin Mission 4 Part 3 + Mission 5 Part 1
С 26 на 27 января 2010 года над севером Сахалина прошел снежный ураган сила ветра которого в эпицентре достигала до 38 м/сек. По предварительным данным стихия нанесла значительный ущерб топливно-энергетическому комплексу и жилищно-коммунальному хозяйству муниципального образования городской округ "Охинский". В настоящий момент ведутся восстановительные работы на линиях электропередач и ликвидация последствий стихийного бедствия в селах района и городе Оха. Длительность: 5:04