Игорь Николаев "Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин" слова и музыка - Игорь Николаев подписка на канал: www.youtube.com Все его любили, а потом забыли На земле остался он один И идет по склонам, по траве зеленой Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин, И идет по склонам, по траве зеленой Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин. Поклонившись милым, дорогим могилам, На земле чужой он блудный сын, Пусть в душе ненастье, но все же верит в счастье Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин Пусть в душе ненастье,но все же верит в счастье Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин Колесил по свету в поисках ответа, Но ответ нашел всего один. Понял он, что все же родина дороже, Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин. Понял он, что все же родина дороже, Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин. Он нашел свой дворик в городке у моря И без всяких видимых причин, Растревожив память, начал тихо плакать Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин. Растревожив память, начал тихо плакать Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин. Длительность: 2:59
Скриншоты к видео Игорь Николаев "Человек, влюбленный в Сахалин"
On May 12 the California Coastal Commission passed a resolution to oppose the proposed IWC rules, and to show support for the current moratorium on commercial whaling. The resolution urges President Obama to direct the US delegation to vote against the new rules at the International Whaling Commission meeting, and asks the IWC to focus on protecting whales and their habitat. This new proposal for commercial whaling stops the whaling moratorium which for 24 years has helped to bring whales back from the brink of extinction. President Obama has initiated, organized and strongly promoted the proposal to allow the commercial killing of the endangered whale species. The policy would reward countries which have already killed 33000 whales since the moratorium had been established. Allowing commercial whaling would mark an unacceptable setback for whales and conservation. About every 2 years the female Gray Whale gives birth to one calf in Baja California, Mexico. She nurses her calf for 7- 8 month. Her milk is 53% fat (human milk is 2% fat). Mother and baby remain in the lagoons for 2 to 3 months, so the baby can build fat in order to stay warm in the cold water of the northern regions. Once threatened by fisher people in Baja California, the Gray Whales enjoy lots of attention and protection in the lagoons today, because one fisher man recognized that the whales attract tourism and bring them much more money than they had gained through their fishing industry. People from all <b>...</b> Длительность: 9:55
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 1 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 10:01
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 1 of 6 (First Op)
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 6 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 7:15
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 6 of 6 (First Op)
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 5 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 10:01
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 5 of 6 (First Op)
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 4 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 10:01
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 4 of 6 (First Op)
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 3 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 10:02
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 3 of 6 (First Op)
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 2 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 10:01
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 2 of 6 (First Op)